Personalized browsing experiences that engage and convert

Customers expect to find products relevant to their tastes and interests. Delight them and drive more sales with the best product recommendation engine for e-commerce.
Woman browsing on tablet, receiving relevant 
recommendations based on her tastes
Man being delighted by personalized recommendations

Create personal connections with your customers

Build chemistry and brand loyalty with your customers through highly-personalized experiences. Surface items they'll love sooner, leading to more conversions.

Convert new customers faster with personalized recommendations

A vast majority of site visitors are new or anonymous. Engage them quickly with a highly-personalized experience that will push them to convert – all without cookies.
Woman shopping via mobile and man shopping via web 
as new users, receiving recommendations based on cart adds

Create personal connections with your customers

Build chemistry and brand loyalty with your customers through highly-personalized experiences. Surface items they'll love sooner, leading to more conversions.
Woman being given accurate category recommendations
Woman being given bundle and upsell recommendations based
on her cart adds, ultimately resulting in a higher order value

Upsell and cross-sell the right products at the right moment

Drive revenue by helping customers find products that pair well together. Recommend based on product similarity, or provide them with intuitive category bundles.

Case Studies

Get an overview of Crossing Minds and its features.
Find out how to take personalized experiences to the next level.
A/B test and customize the smartest recommendations for your unique scenario.
CB Insights Awards Retail Tech 100 in 2022CB Insights Top AI 100 companies in 2022Martech Breakthrough Awards 2022
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