Bulletproof Your Black Friday Conversion Strategy

Uncover opportunities to convert new shoppers with a personalized Black Friday strategy review.

Black Friday Strategy Review Team

Alexandre Robicquet
CEO, Crossing Minds
3x Masters in AI, Stanford University
Garrin McGoldrick
Conversion Rate Expert
PhD, Machine Learning
Marie Al Ghossein
AI Expert
PhD, Machine Learning
Ben Cruse
Head of Business Development
Conversion Rate Strategy
Get Free Strategy Review

Black Friday is a major opportunity to convert new shoppers and win their loyalty. Many brands are spending big on promotions and new user acquisition - but in order for the funnel to work correctly, your site must convert them effectively. Converting new shoppers on Black Friday poses unique challenges:

  • Black Friday shoppers have increased disposition, but limited attention span. They require speed and efficiency.
  • There's no existing interaction data to predict their product preferences
  • New shoppers are unlikely to be familiar with your range of products and need proactive help finding relevant products and deals.

In the Strategy Review, we cover highest-priority capabilities your store should encompass to ensure that new users make a purchase in the unique, fast-paced Black Friday environment.

  • Highly personalized experiences for new shoppers. Many Black Friday bargain hunters may be visiting your store for the first time. The ability to serve them relevant recommendations even in the absence of historical data is crucial for a successful outcome.
  • Easily visible Black Friday deals and recommendations visible across the entire store ecosystem. A homepage banner and carousel touting Black Friday deals is table stakes. Being able to keep the sales top of mind as customers move across your site can promote much more conversions.
  • Clean, accurate, and standardized product tags and data. Hygienic and organized product tags are critical to enable easy discovery by customers. Ensuring this is the case across your catalog is essential.
  • Eliminate duplicate product listings. Duplicate product listings waste valuable real estate in search results and frustrate customers. Consolidating variations of products to one PDP can improve the customer experience and promote more conversions.
  • Effectively optimized email, SMS, and in-app communications prepared for all of Black November. There’s a lot of noise to break through during Black November season. Communicating frequently and effectively, with the most relevant recommendations, can make or break your success.
  • Use the 20-60-20 rule for customer segmentation. The 20-60-20 rule entails categorizing the 20% of your lowest lifetime value customers, 60% who are average buyers, and your top 20% of most valuable customers. Highly personalized emails for each segment can help either move customers up the value chain or retain them where they are.
  • Automated upsell and bundle opportunities in critical locations. Bundling and upselling products can be a highly effective means for increasing AOV. But traditionally, the manual merchandising efforts required are tedious. AI can help you bundle and upsell more intuitively.
  • SEO-ready PDPs to enable organic discovery for Black Friday bargain hunters. A lot of Black Friday shoppers may know what they’re looking for, but not necessarily which stores sell the item or who has the best deals? Having product descriptions that are SEO friendly can improve conversions even with those not previously familiar with your brand.
  • Customer-intuitive product search and discovery. Customers search for products in a way that may not align with how internal teams define products. Bridging the gap between these differences can enable a better customer experience.
  • Using ChatGPT technology to enrich the customer experience. ChatGPT technology is all the buzz, but which ways can you leverage it to your advantage for Black Friday? Customer service correspondence, shipping tracking, and improved product discovery are all possible benefits of using LLMs.
  • Mobile experience is user friendly. Nearly half of all Black Friday shoppers are deal searching on their phone, according to TechCrunch. If the mobile experience is subpar or frustrating, the likelihood of drop-off is high. Ensuring everything is viewable and navigable as possible ahead of time can mitigate this problem.
  • Limit recommendations on low-stock or sold-out products. Finding out an item you were recommended is no longer available is incredibly frustrating for consumers. Minimizing this predicament while also recommending similar products can lessen this negative experience.

Are you curious where your store stacks up in terms of Black Friday preparedness? Hop on a call with one of our experts to receive a complimentary consultation on where you’re succeeding and where you could improve to convert more Black Friday shoppers.

Get a Free Strategy Review

  • The Strategy Review team will deliver initial insights upon review of your website and existing strategies. Together, we'll explore those insights in further detail with opportunities to explore in greater depth.
  • Based on your existing Black Friday strategies, our experts will surface opportunities for growth and conversion strategy.
  • After the call, you’ll receive a follow-up summary of our findings and additional opportunities for Black Friday strategy enhacements.